Kwam de volgende regels tegen om meer te doen met je facebook pagina als band of artiest. Doe er je voordeel mee:
The 7 Rules of Music Promotion on Facebook
It’s no secret that Facebook has become one of the most important tools for DIY music promotion. So here are a few simple rules to keep in mind as you continue your social media efforts:
1. Use a Facebook “page.” These are different from personal profiles or groups. Click HERE to find out more information on how to convert a Facebook profile to a Facebook page.
2. Collect email addresses. Use an app or widget (iFrames allows for HTML) to collect email addresses straight from your Facebook page.
3. Do giveaways and contests. For fans who “like” your page or leave their email contact, give them access to free content such as MP3s, concert tickets, exclusive videos, etc. Hold other exciting contests periodically to keep them coming back to your page.
4. Engage your audience. Social media is about dialogue, not monologue. Make sure you’re asking questions, listening to your fans’ opinions, and sharing some inside info. Don’t just post show updates and glowing reviews. Use the new “questions” feature on Facebook to conduct some fun polling. Start conversations.
5. Your main picture should be of YOU. Tour posters, album art, gear shots, and logos are cool to post to your wall, but make sure your main picture is a really captivating photo of you. Many A/B tests have shown that a striking photo of the actual band members outperforms almost any other kind of image when it comes to music promotion.
6. Use Facebook for unique updates. Don’t treat twitter and Facebook as separate streams for the same content. Give users of both a unique experience. Twitter is great for the minutia. Facebook is better for the big ideas.
7. Share. Of course you should be creating Facebook events for your shows and other big happenings. Of course you should be sharing links to your videos, music, and events. But don’t forget to share other people’s content, too. Favorite book? Funny YouTube clip? Friend’s band releasing a new and amazing record? Your fans will get an interesting glimpse into your tastes and personality and you’ll be helping some other folks along too!
-Chris R